Thursday 18 July 2013

Western States in Photos

Thanks so much to Dan, Facchino Photography and Tonya Richards for this collection of photos from Western States - a permanent reminder of my race experience and all the people involved. They sure bring back all the highs, lows, heat, pain, stunning surroundings and support that made race day everything it was.

Pre-race abode: Dan & Kathy's holiday trailer in the beautiful setting of Truckee
Thursday: Western States Veteran's Panel - Gordy Ainsleigh the founder second from right

Race Briefing on Friday: 2012 Top 10/Elite Men

2012 Top 10 Women

Ready to start at Squaw: these clothes will never be this white again
Start of the climb up to Emigrant Pass (taken Thursday)
Some fast dudes at the front. Probably about to run up Emigrant Pass!

Cresting the Escarpment at 3.5 miles in, 8.700 ft

 View from Emigrant Pass (taken Thursday)
Around or nearby Lyon Star Ridge (I think) after 10 miles
The heat is turned on: heading down from Duncan Canyon ahead of the climb to Robinson Flat
One of the creek crossings: hard not to just dive in and stay there
Being doused by one of the incredible volunteers (Duncan Canyon I think)


Encouraging crowds of vols, crews, supporters at Michigan Bluff, 55 miles
Running into Michigan Bluff aid station, after the toasting 110 degree canyons

Crew extraordinaire Dan with Ellie Greenwood at Michigan Bluff

Crew wheels
With my incredible pacers/support Tera and Erik at Foresthill. 6pm and still roasting.
Rob Krar (second place) coming through Foresthill
Mike Morton (third place) coming through Foresthill
My other pacer Marc (Green Gate to Highway 49) - was he saying how far I still had to go?!
At last! At the Rucky Chucky River Crossing (mile 78)  - one of the highlights of my entire race.
Out and into a 2 mile climb to Green Gate
No Hands Bridge, mile 96: NOT taken on race day, when it was all lit up in the dark!

The finish line in Auburn just before 4am. Dazed and confused.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos! I just saw that guy wearing a tutu in some Badwater photos, I think. He's quite distinctive. Congratulations again...what an amazing achievement.


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